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Article: What do Easter, Spring and Rebirth have in common?

Cos’hanno in comune Pasqua, Primavera e Rinascita?

What do Easter, Spring and Rebirth have in common?

Like many traditions that cross the globe, Easter (from the Hebrew Passover - liberation) is one of those customs that involves many rites and customs throughout the world . But although nowadays many are convinced that it is a Christian heritage in honor of the resurrection of Christ, the origin of this holiday is actually linked to much older cults.

In fact, if for Christians all over the world December 25th is the day on which Jesus was born, not everyone knows that close to this date, thanks to the winter solstice (shortest day of the year), many other peoples celebrated the birth of their divine or supernatural beings , some of whom, like Jesus, were born of a virgin, with 12 disciple followers, then betrayed and killed to be resurrected a few days later: from ancient Egypt where the birth of the god Horus was celebrated to pre-Columbian Mexico where the god Quetzalcoath was born; same period in which, in ancient Greece, Adonis was born, also associated with the Sumerian Tammuz. And then the god Freyr of the North, up to the Indo-Persian one Mithras. Also on December 25th, the day on which the sun begins to grow bringing longer days, the Syriac Invictus Sol, El Gabal of Emesa and the Natabean Sun god Dusares of Petra were celebrated.

In short, before arriving at Christian Christmas, quite a few divinities had already seen the light in the same period. Thus, even Easter has its roots in a distant past : Lent, which represents the 40 days leading up to Easter Sunday, is a moment of reflection that should recall the atmosphere of the days in which Jesus lived in the desert. But in the Hebrew Bible Passover is referred to as “Passover,” which represents the liberation of the Jews from Egyptian slavery. However, if we retrace history further, the original celebration of this time of year has even more primitive roots. The date of Easter falls at a key moment in the calendar: the Sunday following the first full moon since the spring equinox; it then follows the first full moon after March 20th. A calculation method that highlights the link between Easter and the propitiatory festivities for the fertility of the earth: in Roman times, for example, in the period following the equinox the god Attis was celebrated, whose death and resurrection symbolized the cycle of nature . Instead, it is the fertility of the Mother Goddess, represented in ancient times by statues dedicated to her and accompanied by eggs, which carries a symbolic meaning linked to the Easter egg to this day; but the hare is also an ancient pagan symbol of fertility and symbolizes the moon, which plays a central role in Easter. Therefore not only a celebration of the resurrection in a strictly religious sense but a celebration of rebirth, awakening, transformation and life in its many aspects; and obviously a way to enhance the well-being and the fruits that the earth will want to give in the coming months.


In short, Easter is closely connected to spring, synonymous with flowering: which is why a series of ancient structures were built, from Stonehenge in the United Kingdom to the Pyramid of Kukulkán in Mexico; places anciently used by civilizations to celebrate the lively beauty of spring with shows of natural light that touched and passed through the structures. Today, like Easter, many spring celebrations are still alive all over the world and carry on centuries-old traditions : a typical hymn to life of the period is the Japanese ritual of hanami , which every year also sees many tourists taking part in contemplating the flowering of cherry trees scattered throughout the country; even in Poland, despite the strong Catholic character, some pagan traditions have survived, such as the celebration of the spring equinox, known as the drowning of Marzanna, the Polish incarnation of the ancient Slavic goddess of winter, plague and death; the Bulgarians instead personify the month of March as an old woman who brings small gifts, indicated by the name of Baba Marta; with the throwing of colored powder and water balloons, Holi has become known as India's most vivid and joyous festival and marks the beginning of spring after a long winter, symbolizing the triumph of good over evil. These are just some of the spring traditions, rituals and symbols that have evolved over time, each celebrating the rebirth of spring through unique festivities.

History therefore teaches us that every holiday is linked to the cycles of nature and each of these holidays should serve as a moment of prayer (to be understood as a primitive act of thanksgiving, commitment and good omen); celebrations that teach, among other things, to accept our own limits, defects and cracks in our personality: because life itself is a cycle in which good and evil, good and bad meet.

So how can we be reborn, together with Easter and spring? First of all by accepting what we are, with the relative lights and shadows that accompany us: so that we can free our unexpressed potential and feel serene, at peace with ourselves and free to love. Because every dual aspect of our lives can always be traced back to the unity that distinguishes the universe: yin and yang, black and white, night and day, static and movement... they are always two sides of the same coin. And the meaning of this dualism is very profound: it is not for nothing that love is also the happiness of encounter-clash.

Accepting our limits, forgiving and overcoming the barrier between who we are and who we should be is essential to restoring balance in our spirit and in our life. With practice all this could become easier; so here is some advice:

  • - Engage in some yoga every day to listen to your body and calm your mind - yoga promotes unity and self-acceptance.

  • - Practice meditation , focusing on your breathing, accepting every thought and listening to the sound of silence.

  • - Treat yourself to a bath , savor its physical and emotional benefits, carve out time to inspire your inner peace.

  • - Write : sometimes, to create inner silence, which leads to inner peace, it is necessary to let go of all your thoughts; and writing is a very effective way in this sense.

  • - Simplify your living space: have you ever noticed the feeling of calm that comes over you when your surroundings are well organized? Outer peace leads to inner peace.

  • - Do a digital detox : the constant comparison with others is a direct obstacle to inner peace; unplug it from time to time.

  • - Slow down : light a scented and relaxing candle or take the right time to consciously experience at least one meal; Slowing down will help you fully experience the moment.

  • - And finally smile : a healthy laugh activates dozens of different muscles in the face, is reflected in the abdominal muscles and reaches the sphincters. But that's not all, because laughing promotes deeper and more controlled breathing, for a more comfortable life.

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